True love from Favour_smiling_'s [ channel ]

Posted in #LoveAndRomance category.
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True love
True love is a feeling of warm personal attachment, as for a parent, child, or friend. Love is more of a feeling that a person feels for another person. People often confuses love and lust. Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. Types of love ; 1)Eros: erotic, passionate love. 2)Philia: love of friends and equals. 3)Storage:love of parents for children. 4)Agape: love for mankind. What is the golden rule of love:"do unto others as they would have you do unto them". Instead of treating our partner as we would like to be treated, we need to treat them as they want to be treated. Signs of true love: * You feel safe with them. * They listen. * They acknowledge your differences instead of trying to change you. * You can communicate easily. *They encourage you to do your things. * You trust each other. *They make an effort.
1 year ago
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Nice 12 months ago
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Wow 1 year ago
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Nice 1 year ago
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Love should always be a top word. 1 year ago
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Thanks for sharing 1 year ago
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